
Please note that registration is mandatory to participate in the conference.

The deadline for regular registrations is July 31, 2025.

Conference Fees

Regular registration Early registration
(until July 31, 2025) (tbd € waiver until June 30)
Full week One-Day pass Online only (full week)*) Full week One-Day pass
AG members tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €
non members tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €
Students/ Retirees/ low income (AG members) tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €
Students (non members) tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €tbd €
Invited Plenary Speakers, Invited Guests, and Accredited Journalists**) free free free free free

A surplus of tbd € (full week)/ tbd € (day pass) will be charged for registrations after July 31, 2025.

Application for AG membership.

Cancellation Policy

Your conference fee and dinner ticket will be partially refunded (50%) if you cancel your registration or dinner ticket until August 31. If you cancel later, no refunding will be possible.

Registration has not yet been opened.

*) Online attendance will be possible for the plenary sessions only but not for the splinter meetings.
**) For accreditation please send an e-mail to